Save Money with These Free App Alternatives for 2024

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Free App Alternatives for 2024

In 2024, it is being seen that free and unlimited online browsing is increasingly expensive. Everyone searching for free app alternatives for paid and premium apps and for services.

Luckily, there is a lot of free software that is open that you can use for some of the monthly subscriptions and save you money. Here are some recommendations and free alternatives for premium apps:

Free App Alternatives for Paid Apps

Streamio Video Streaming

Try Streamio once on the Play Store and all-in-one video streaming app. It allows easy streams of any show or movie just by naming the platforms where you can enjoy it completely free of charge.

Ad Blocking

In addition to blocking the annoying ads that following ad blockers like DNS Adguard, NextDNS or Rethink DNS can help to eliminate, these also prevent hidden tracking activities.

Go to settings>Network>DNS>Private DNS and type ””. They not only give you that opportunity but also It can block ads both on the website and app systemically.

XManager Music Streaming

You can instead use XManager, which provides music streaming swipe-by and discontinues ads.

Gadget Bridge Bluetooth Device Management

Skip the ecosystem of any specific brand, use the open-source application Gadget Bridge to handle your smartphones, smartwatches, and headphones instead of any proprietary apps with hidden tracking and possible subscription fees.

Free App Alternatives

Online Therapy

As a cheap option for online therapy, think of the BetterHelp service, an online platform that lets you get connected to licensed therapists at a lower price than the face-to-face session price.

Customization Apps

Amid the ever-changing trading world where icon packs, wallpaper apps; and widgets cease to receive updates – use apps such as the How-To Personalize app, Pix Wallpapers, Wall Fever, Rosemary Walls, and True AI which are always been updated.

Simple Mobile Tools Alternative

Until recently, there were fake-like copies of Simple Mobile Tools apps, such as Document Viewer and Photo Editor, promoted with ads and subscriptions after being bought.

But the better alternative is the Fity package which is again made by the original developer and is released as open-source and free.

Office Productivity

On the expense side, Microsoft Office is quite expensive, thus it may be worthwhile exploring the free and open-source OnlyOffice suite that has documents, spreadsheets, and presentations as part of its offering. OSSDocumentScanner provides for scanning documents using free source code.

As a result, you can improve your digital experience and enjoy considerable savings from your monthly budget repayment by the end of 2024 by canceling paid subscriptions and subscribing to free-source alternatives.

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