How to Create hyper-realistic AI Influencers 

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Create AI Influencers

Nowadays the social network is the best proof of the newly powerful position of the AI influencers who dictate the trends and handle the marketing cases.

But do you know what is better is that we can even create AI influencers that look or feel like real people?

In this blog article, you will see quite an interesting approach to creating AI influencers with the help of the latest technologies.

Step 1: Gather Your Source Image for AI Influencer

The first thing to do is frame the image that will become the basis for humanizing a consistent one. I think the photo should be a close-up, either a portrait-like shot that has the face looking directly into the camera like on a passport.

However, having an actual superhuman in the picture is not very important. To do this, you can follow the guidelines for image generation, like Midjourney, or other free tools, and generate a synthetic face that concurs with your intended visual style.

Step 2: Gather Your Target Images

Consequently, you will need to gather target images that look to the object you envisaged your AI influencer to be a reflection of.

They can be actual photos of people or animated figures that might look very identical to the original image. Resources like the Craiyon (DALL-E mini earlier) come with a feature enabling the solving of image issues when a prompt is typed.

Step 3: Image Creation Through Face Swapping

In this step, you work with the Midjourney bot as well as the Insight Face Swap bot on Discord which will make the swap identical to your source images using target pictures.

Step-by-step instructions will walk through how to design a stable series of different stills of the AI influencer. They will be featured in different poses and settings.

Step 4: Video Creation with Google Colab

To raise your AI influencer to a new level, you can generate ultra-realistic videos with the help of the Google Colab notebook.

The process consists of importing your source image and the target video (for instance, a TikTok clip of a real person), and the notebook will interchange the face from your source image onto the video thus creating natural and realistic footage.

Step 5: Creating Your Bio and Name

To create a captivating narrative for your AI influencer, you use ChatGPT to generate a bio and name that is consistent with the personality of the persona.

Step 6: Creating a Social Media Account

Finally, you can create social media accounts such as Instagram and TikTok and populate them with the influencer’s images, videos, and bio of the AI. This stage of the process will personify the AI influencer and hence lead to followers.

However, in developing AI influencers, we ought to keep in mind that it is just an interesting exploration of technology rather than to deceive anyone or misrepresent anything.

To conclude, creating hyper-realistic AI influencers is a complex process involving state-of-the-art technologies such as AI image and video generation, face swapping, and language models.

Through the tips described below, you can begin a fun and exciting journey of building a virtual influencer. Simply hold on to the thought of acting ethically, and you will have a great experience with the AI revolution!

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