Sustainable Living – Actionable Tips for Going Green in 2024

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“What?! Are you trying to sustainable living? On purpose??” 

That was my best friend Leila’s incredulous reaction yesterday when I excitedly told her about the eco-friendly changes I’ve been making lately here in my tiny city apartment. And honestly, her skepticism didn’t surprise me.

I’ll fully admit that “living green” still conjures images of barefoot hippies weaving their own ponchos out of recycled hemp. Or obsessing over every kombucha purchase’s carbon footprint. Definitely, NOT pursuits I’ve ever been associated with in my coupon-hunting suburban upbringing!

But the reality of climate change keeps staring back in starker terms through devastated communities and mass migrations. And let’s just say some recent health scares within my family woke me up to nasty pollution and chemical impacts as well. 

So I figure why NOT shake things up and have my stab at more sustainable living? 2024 seems the perfect time to push my comfort zone as consumer habits evolve globally.

Since none of us can snap our fingers and have corporations instantly end unsustainable practices, I might as learn what difference individual actions make before criticizing in frustration!

Here’s what I’ve discovered so far from my laughably amateur (yet eye-opening) attempts at “going green”. Maybe they’ll inspire you to try something different this year!

Food Waste is Shockingly Costly But Fixable!

My first rude awakening came with printouts documenting the staggering piles of still-edible food filling US landfills. Which leach methane AND represent literal dollars tossed trying to keep an overstuffed fridge powered. 

But solutions proved simpler than expected: 

  • I switched grocers to buy imperfect locally-grown produce. Misshapen carrots now give my wallet AND the planet a break!  
  • Glass storage containers extended leftovers’ lives WAY beyond mystery plasticwares littering my cabinets.  
  • Even with reduced buying, I still wound up with excess. So I subscribed to apps connecting neighbors to split goods nearing expiration. Some offerings made my eyebrows raise…but one woman’s unsold wedding cupcakes were 100% my midnight snack joy!

Reevaluating “Convenience” Living  

I fully admit that lazy consumerism links to valuing convenience over consciousness. But discovering rental options for bulky gear and children’s clothing felt like wins for both simplicity AND sustainability! Ditto meal kits delivering prepped ingredients minimizing waste. 

What caught me off guard though? The sense of delight in rediscovering old-school household skills and domesticity stripped from modern living. Things like:

  • Hand-washing garments in eco-friendly soap 
  • Baking fresh bread daily sans preservatives  
  • Fermenting iced tea using wild yeast starters!

Joy sparked revisiting crafts and rituals our ancestors mastered through necessity. Makes me wonder what perpetually deprioritized talents modern generations dismiss too quickly thanks to “easy” consumerism!

Questioning Water Wastage

Water rationing panics during droughts framed conservation as a temporary hardship. Yet calculating daily waste from the needless shower running or brushing teeth revealed painless cutbacks. Things like:  

  • Installing low-flow fixtures 
  • Capturing “gray water” from appliances recycling moisture for gardens
  • Shortening (very) long hair to reduce styling water and chemical usage!

But missteps happened too…like when I tried “composting” my, ahem, liquid waste as fertilizer for houseplants Googling suggested. Not among my prouder moments. 😳 Some ecosystems apparently shouldn’t intersect inside small studios!

Getting Over the “Reusable is Gross!” Mental Block  

I’ll admit swapping disposable goods for reusable alternatives didn’t come naturally. Sticking my hands into the murky dish sink water recycling glasses and plates skeeved me out. And toting food in repurposed containers through a hot commute sparked squeamishness. 

But the ick factor faded observing how laziness about waste disposal keeps accelerating landfill pileups. Plus using recycled fabrics and containers created local jobs too!

I did have to surrender aesthetic perfectionism though as scratches appeared. A spoon mark here, a mysterious stain there…imperfections emerged as products endured. Much like we inhabitants damage the planet itself through careless behaviors.

Little Changes Make Surprising Headway  

I won’t pretend to complete sustainable enlightenment yet; far from it! My packages still include too much plastic padding. And don’t even ask about my electricity usage trying to warm a drafty old apartment! 

But even modest habit shifts around food, water, and disposables accumulated noticeable impact. Last month my small trash can was only filled every 2 weeks rather than weekly. And seeing fresh veggies thrive in DIY vertical gardens felt literally empowering too!

Turns out sustainability journeys share something in common with diets or exercise programs. Attempting too much too fast risks failure when that initial enthusiasm fades. But modest consistent practice? Now that I can actually sustain!


And there you have it — one novice’s fumbling efforts to make green living more practical! What about you? Have you embraced any sustainable changes or eco-friendly solutions I should try?

Hit reply and share your wisdom or favorite resources! While the climate crisis seems monstrously huge, perhaps together our collective drops fill buckets changing course. I’m all ears for the next simple upgrade or laughably weird adventure!

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